Star of Ishtar
48 x 36 x 3
acrylic on wood panel
Wandering around the medina or old city of Marrakesh, we came upon a very old earthen wall showing through where walls of bright and intricate mosaics had fallen away. Its pattern caught my eye even though the wall was soft colored and worn. I took a picture of it. Later, research revealed the source and meaning of the pattern. It was an eight-pointed star symbolizing the union of nature, the heavens and earth. This was the symbol in ancient Babylon for these forces and for the first deity for which we have written evidence. Her name was Ishtar in the Accadian language and Inanna in Sumerian. She is the goddess of love and war. It seems to me that Ishtar and the eight-pointed star are representative of balance. Heaven and earth, love and war.
Man, there are some pretty cool walls in Marrakesh. I can’t wait to return.
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